Today, wraps up my 17th birthday and my first week of school! This weeks is vacation which made it perfect to have a small get together with my host family and friends. First, I want to talk about school then my splendid party.
Hay stacks (I call them mini wheats) in a field across from my house. |
First day of school, how can I say...nerve racking? I was thinking over my feelinngs and the thought, or revelation occured 'what is the worst that could happen?'. It is not in my character to be fearful of the day, for this
is the day that the Lord has made, I will be glad and rejoice in it. Nowhere in that scripture does it say I am to fear, so I don't. So my anxiety turned to excitement, and that was only the beginning. It started with a two hour meeting between the assistant principle and I discussing my classes (Chemistry, Biology, Art, Music, Economy, History, Math, English, German and two more that I forgot). She was very pleased that I was able to understand and speak so much German. Which was a great prelude into my History class! Where the teacher insisted that we sit in a circle and play a name game, which at the end I had to repeat the name/hobby/pet questions for 16 people. Mmmhm, so my homework that night was to learn the names and say them all on thursday. That went well, really! So I got all my books (about 15), my complimentary bag from the school (thanks!) and headed on home (hostdad picked me up, first day of school and the public transport system is too much in one day lets be real). As I was looking back in admiration of my really fantastic first day of school, I realized that I would have to do it all over again..tomorrow, the day after that and the day after that and the day after that. And what if the people who talked to me today dont talk to me tomorrow? Then started the anxiety...but once again I remembered my mentality from the early morning. That the day is made to profit me, not tear me down. Alles gut. So the rest of the week flew by, it was filled with many many moments of 'huh?, can you repeat that? oh okay! wait....huh?' and I wouldn't do it again, but I'm glad that we got the first week of school over because................... I MADE FRIENDS!

Five of them which attended my BIRTHDAY PARTY today! Not really a party party, more exactly a kaffee und kuchen (coffee and cake). I thought it was very fit to make a pumpkin cake, oh yeah from a pumpkin. Which brings me to my most important point, cutting a pumpkin is
very dangerous. I prayed the whole time that I would finish that experience with all of my 10 fingers and my two eyeballs (which I succesfully did!). I don't know if you know anything about the pumpkin process, but it consists of hacking it in half, ripping out the insides, chopping it into smaller pieces, boiling, and scooping out the meat. With a half hour until the guests started arriving, I assembled everything together and was about to pour it into the form when I decided for kicks to try it. I dipped my finger into the phenomenally smooth, creamy orange dough and I gagged. I sauntered into the livingroom and asked if maybe the baking powder in germany is VERY VERY salty, and the answer was no, taste like flour. My host mom proceeded to follow me into the kitchen
and shreaked when she realized I used two cups of salt instead of two cups of sugar. The cake was ruined, no pumpkin cake as promised for my guests. Did I cry? Yes a little bit. Nevertheless, it is was just a cake and I'm making one tomorrow and one on Sunday night to bring to school to redeem myself.

The party lasted about 5 hours, an hour of cute akwardness between the young generation (my friends) and my host grandparents and their friends. It was a time of laughter, smiles, and 'huh?'. I have to admit after awhile my mind was done with German and thatswhen I procided to zone out. Something I noticed that was different between America and germany is that when you get a gift, the gift giver tells you what they get you before you open I guess using wrapping paper is a bit redundant no?
The party was an aboslutley perfect way to end a beautiful week in school and a beautiful day of celebrating being one year older.
Praise God,