Thursday, April 12, 2012


Hello Readers!
Our last big vacation before summer just ended.
There's eleven weeks left for my adventure,
loving every day when its not rainy.
I included some picture with captions underneath,
hope you enjoy.
Most of them are group pictures.
As an exchange student, you learn quickly
how to cluster as a group and take a picture.

Sunset at Grandma's

Watching the dew evaporate

Group of Celle students
We all went to the language camp for 4 weeks together

Bunny that I almost got.
On Easter Sunday my family woke up early to go to the flea market
and animal market (bunnies, guinea pigs, birds).
Next week I get to pick one out, but a baby!
Sadly when I leave 'es geht in das Topf'
which means, it's going in the cooking pot.

Group of Celle-AFS Chapter with Michael our leader!

Group of AFS students from Survivor Camp

In my orientation group

Again with the Celle group!

That's all folks!
Until next week, Genevieve!


  1. what a great adventure!

  2. God is allowing you to touch many lives. All the more reason to be authentic in faith. Our world needs people who know God intimately and are not easily duped by the traditions of the world. We're proud of you.

  3. Guess you'll have to name the bunny...Hasenpfeffer


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