Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Giving Thanks and Being Content

Hello Readers!

Excuse my blog for being so short this time, I’m in a jam between too little time and lack of English language skills.
Ludwigslust Castle, I'm the little white fleck next to the left of the
statue. Here is a link to an informational guide:
Last year I participated in a three week German Exchange program, it partnered my high school with one in Germany. For the first week, a group of students from my home high school traveled throughout Germany with two phenomenal teachers. The last two weeks we stayed with our exchange student and their family. I signed up to take part in this exchange, long before I knew I was accepted into CBYX. Despite the dozens of travel complications, the exchange was absolutely incredible. Our departing flight was delayed for four hours, and then completely cancelled. We ended up staying an extra night in Berlin, then flew out the next morning. We were all tired, and some frustrated because they would be missing out on previously made plans.

I personally, didn’t have anything to do the next day, so it wasn’t a problem for me. In fact, during the waiting time I remembered opening up my suitcase and eating some chocolate goodie gifts meant for my family.  (Only one bar of chocolate made it home after an almost deadly flight). In effort to ease the tense mood, I passed some chocolate around to my friends while waiting. God always seems to lead me the road less traveled, which is why I was never surprised after we encountered complication upon complication. In this trip I learned in great intensity, the crippling effects of complaining and the forever unsatisfied state of complainers. Though there are many sermons taught solely on contentment, I will share with you briefly my personal testimony with parallel scriptures from the Word.
Let’s address contentment first. Here are the scriptures that come to mind:
This is Paul and Timothy writing to the church of the Philippi. Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. (Philippians 4:11) 

And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. (1Timothy 6:8) 

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)

Biblically, the word ‘let’ means that it is the reader’s personal choice. In these three verses alone, God tells us to be content in every state. Not only to be content, but not to be jealous of what someone else has. The reason why is mentioned in the verse from Hebrews. When we are not content and specifically jealous of what our neighbor has, it is a direct insult to Him. He said that He would never leave us, or forsake us. He is our Provider. In the verse from Timothy, we learn to be content with clothing and food. Considering, you are reading this it means you probably have one of the follow... a personal computer, running electricity, a functional internet connection and a chair to sit on. All of these far exceed the required ‘content’ level Timothy speaks of, even including the basic items they are all blessings. Which, when you really think about it, what possible reason do I have to be unsatisfied? Or to complain, if my Creator has promised He knows of all my needs?
Camped out at a friends house,
had to check the view from the trees first!
It is His Will that we find contentment in what we have. A catalyst for contentment is thankfulness. Ephesians 5:20 says ‘Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ’. Whenever I begin to give thanks in high pressure situations, how I speak and react changes completely. Though the situation may not have changed, it is the God given perspective that allows me to give thanks. As a thanks giver, one becomes super aware of those that aren’t. Along my journey, I have met people who are never content. It is too cold in the winter, too hot in the summer, too rainy in spring, and too windy in fall. Whereas a thanks giver would think, that the white snow is the color of our washed away sins, the summer heat brings forth the harvest, the rain in spring nurtures life, and the wind lifts up the eagle’s wings.
Like anyone in the world, I have had my on days and my off days. The difference is I choose not to let them determine my thanks. From the moment we receive the Holy Ghost, our eternity with Him starts immedeatly. There are no bad days.Because the Truth is, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He deserves to be thanked and praised on my off day, just as much as the on day of my life.

Tried to make lemon bars, after trying to make a key lime pie.
None of my recipes here have come out successfully.
But, make lemonade out of lemons!
Tomorrow I will be riding to meet my exchange partner from last year. I already gave a quick phone call, and we conversed completely in German (which was a mega victory for me!). I sit in total amazement when I reflect on what has happened in the last year, and how God has changed my character. The final week countdown has begun, before I fly back to good ol’ America. When people ask if I miss home I say, ‘which one’? I left home with my family in CT, and now have to leave again a home and another family. No matter where the path leads, the road ahead, or the minutes to follow after I’m done writing this blog, I will continue in giving thanks, because it is the will of God and makes this life abundant.

Standing across from the Ludwigslust Castle
God Bless, Genevieve


  1. i agree that they go together, being thankful and contented. I especially like the part where eternity begins….I'm with you all the way with a made up mind and a willing spirit.

  2. Good preaching. It is a choice. I too have often noticed "the crippling effects of complaining and the forever unsatisfied state of complainers." Their choices allow the enemy to sour their life experiences. Keep choosing well!


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