Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Break Down on Breaking it Down

    Something interesting happened last summer when I was training for a race. The pure fun of just throwing on some sneakers and having a good time was replaced by stress about split paces, seconds, form, hydration and calories (and resistance training, new loops, hill training, speed training, cross training....shall I keep going?) It didn't take long for me to not be as excited to go running and with even more time I was really not looking forward to it. What happened? When I broke running down into small variables that can be changed for “better performance” , I ruined the joy I once had. I really did. It's something like that paradox about not being able to see the forest through the trees. When I really focused on running, every step became mechanical and awkward. 
     I have done this same thing with my perspective on talking to God, something that is also so natural. Something we were born to do? (Read Born to Run! (It's a runner's book and a great read)) When reading through Genesis 1 it is so amazing to me that God let Adam name the animals. Adam got to, no, God wanted to let Adam do this? What an honour…But it pleased God! I can imagine every animal coming before Adam to be named, perhaps Adam laughed when he saw an anteater, I do every time! (Maybe he was also running out of names!)
     Adam enjoyed God’s presence, Enoch walked with God, Abraham is called by God…the friend of God! But these aren’t the “ultra-marathon runners” of humanity. They are simple people. Like you. Like me. They answered when they heard God call…and they also made mistakes. I really enjoy that the Bible doesn’t glorify these people, if it did, I couldn’t relate to the weakness we as humans share.
     So what I want to say is this, “talking to God” is stressful if people break it down scientifically to dozens of little parts. There are even books about it. It is not stressful when it just happens, naturally. 

And when you do….be ready for some surprising responses!

I also want to congratulate my good friend for running her first (and surely not last) half marathon today. I am so happy that my close friend is now also a new running buddy. Great job!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go GV's friend! That philosophy I believe goes with every aspect of life, never thought of talking to God however. Good point


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